Thursday, January 31, 2008

Know, Learn, And Live


'The Lonely Patient' by Michael Stein. This is a must-read for doctors, medical students, caregivers, people living with pain/disease, and people who know someone living with pain/disease. Having lived with varying degrees of pain daily for the past fifteen years or so, I found this eBook to be an accurate representation of what living with pain is like. Michael Stein, in his research and interviews, has been able to capture in words the experience of pain - from both the insider and outsider's points of view. This is a wonderfully readable eBook for anyone who has been a patient or has provided care for them.

'The Bullet's Yaw' by Dustin W. Ballard. A quick and powerful read full of thought-provoking, intriguing and galvanizing facts, reflections, and anecdotes. Anyone who is concerned about the state of health care today and increasing gun violence in our schools and communities should read this book and pass it on to others. I will pass on a Discount on either or both of these eBook Titles by using the Coupon Code below at checkout.

Lonely Patient, The eBook edition by Stein, Michael
When someone is diagnosed with a serious illness, he or she is taking the first step on an overwhelmingly challenging and confusing journey. For many, it is as if they are traveling to someplace entirely new and they must go there alone, with only faded directions back to their old lives. Often, even their loved ones can only guess at what they must be experiencing.
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The Bullet's Yaw (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Ballard, Dustin W
During a vengeful rampage, a deranged former security guard had fired a hollow point bullet into Mains' truck. The bullet's path through steel slowed its velocity, causing it to tumble sideways when it collided with Mains, a phenomenon that ballistics experts call the "bullet's yaw." The bullet's impact and ensuing yaw were over in a blink, but the effects were profound.
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